
Review: Friends To the Rescue

Friends to the Rescue by Ellen Schwartz, illustrated by Alison Mutton Apples & Honey Press (imprint of Behrman House), 2024 Category: Middle Grade Reviewer: Lisa Trank Buy at In  Friends to the Rescue , a poignant illustrated novel, the story unfolds in the aftermath of the devastating 2009 earthquake that ravaged the Italian town of Fossa. Young Luca, orphaned by a car accident, lives with his grandfather, Roberto, when the disaster strikes. Their trauma is compounded by the town's collective grief. The early chapters introduce Antonio, Luca's braver best friend, and portray the community's unwavering resilience as they come together to aid the injured and rescue the trapped. A turning point arrives with the discovery of a beloved townswoman's body. This prompts a flashback to 1943, when Nazi Germany occupied Italy. Roberto, then a young man, witnesses the persecution of Italian Jews. His family risks their lives to harbor the Rosettis, including Sara,

Review: A Bright Light in Buenos Aires

A Bright Light in Buenos Aires by Santiago Nader, illustrated by Paula Wegman Kalaniot Books, 2024 Category: Picture Books Reviewer: Shirley Reva Vernick Buy at In Buenos Aires, Dani is a regular boy leading a regular life, with one exception: everywhere he goes, a large, bright light follows him. The light can be helpful (like when the electricity goes out) or annoying (like when it blocks the Shabbat candles’ light). Dani wants to be like the other kids, and he’s afraid no one will come to his birthday party because he’s so different. His classmates do come, but his light causes trouble during an impromptu soccer game – Dani is upset! His mom helps him see that his light is the light of his soul, a gift from God that makes him special, a gift he should share with others. Dani finds a way to temporarily share bits of the light with his friends, helping them understand how uniquely remarkable they each are. In the end, Dani is happy with his light, knowing that he’s perfec

Review: Mixed Up Mooncakes

Mixed-Up Mooncakes by Christina Matula and Erica Lyons, illustrated by Tracy Subisak Quill Tree Books (imprint of HarperCollins), 2024 Category: Picture Books Reviewer: Sarah Aronson Buy at When autumn arrives, so do two special holidays: the Mid-Autumn Festival and Sukkot. If you are a family that comes from two different cultures, what do you do? In Mixed-Up Mooncakes , you combine them. And the result: a lovely family story filled with food, traditions, and love. Matula and Lyons have written a story as delicious as the mooncake recipe that comes at the end of the book. Ruby loves both holidays. This is her favorite time of year—when the moon is the biggest and brightest in the sky. She enjoys all the activities associated with both holidays, from going to the Chinese market and picking out lanterns, as well as finding the most perfect yellow etrog for Sukkot. Of course, the reader sees them build the sukkah and hang the lanterns. There’s just one thing missing: A treat

Review: Miri's Moving Day

Miri's Moving Day by Adam R. Chang and Stephanie Wildman, illustrated by Dream Chen Kar-Ben Publishing (imprint of Lerner Publishing Group), 2024 Category: Picture Books Reviewer: Shanna Silva Buy at   Miri, who is of mixed Jewish and Chinese ancestry, is preparing for her family’s moving day. She is reluctant to leave her current home and worries she will miss the stone lions that flank her building’s entrance. These lions represent the familiar, but also serve as spiritual guardians from her Chinese heritage. Miri’s transition is made smoother by her grandfathers, Zayde and Yeh Yeh, who present her with a new mezuzah and a smaller pair of stone lions for her new apartment. This story captures the wonderful relationships between grandparents and grandchildren, particularly when the grandparents are part of the regular care-taking and routine. The two sides of the family, refreshingly, respect each other’s cultures and traditions. The family unit has a nice blend of bo

Review: The Best Treasure

The Best Treasure by Sherri Mandell, illustrated by Tamara Anegon Apples & Honey Press (imprint of Behrman House Publishers), 2024 Category: Picture Books Reviewer: Rachel J. Fremmer Buy at Friends Mo (a hippopotamus) and Gavi (a kangaroo) set out on a treasure-finding expedition, but they don’t have the same definition of treasure. While Gavi sees the value in everything from discarded tin cans to acorns to popsicle sticks, Mo only sees junk. In an adorable and apt use of a kangaroo’s pouch, Gavi uses his “pocket” to store his treasures. As the two friends head home, the items in Gavi’s pocket make a sound that Mo hears as noise, but Gavi hears as music. Persuaded, Mo joins Gavi in dancing to the music. When they return home, Mo says that he also found treasure on this walk, the best treasure of all: friendship. Based on the Jewish proverb, “Who finds a faithful friend finds a treasure,” this sweet story is surprisingly layered. It offers lessons in perspective (what

Review: One Small Spark: A Tikkun Olam Story

One Small Spark: A Tikkun Olam Story by Ruth Spiro, illustrated by Victoria Tentler-Krylov Dial Books for Young Readers (imprint of Penguin Random House), 2024 Category: Picture Books Reviewer: Linda Elovitz Marshall  Buy at One Small Spark is an empowering story about seeing broken things in the world (e.g., a swing that is no longer attached to its chain, part of a dilapidated playground) and repairing them, alone or with help. The book’s hopeful premise and promise is that if everyone pitches in to help and, in their own way, lights one small spark, the world will be a better, brighter place. Written in sweet, lyrical language, the text addresses readers directly: "Imagine the world you want to live in. If that's not the world you see, will you create it?"    The many examples of positive action are vibrantly depicted with bright, sweeping reds and oranges in Victoria Tentler-Krylov’s stunningly vivid illustrations, as the palette morphs from grey to colo

Review: Mr. Katz and Me

Mr. Katz and Me by Marc Kornblatt, illustrated by Nanette Regan Apples & Honey Press (imprint of Behrman House Publishers), 2024 Category: Picture Books Reviewer: Merle Eisman Carrus Buy at Mr. Katz and Me is wonderful story about friendship. Sarah is the daughter of a b’nai mitzvah tutor. Her father lets her listen in as he tutors the many students who come through their home preparing for their special day. When a new student comes for his first lesson, Sarah is surprised to see he is an older man. At first Sarah is not very understanding or friendly to Mr. Katz. As the lessons continue Sarah joins Mr. Katz and learns how special he is. Growing up in Russia, he had to hide his religious affiliation, but now at the age of eighty one he is excited to become a bar mitzvah. Sarah and Mr. Katz become friends as he continues coming to the house for tutoring. She learns that patience and understanding about other people can lead to true friendship. The age difference makes