Review: A Sky Full of Song

A Sky Full of Song by Susan Lynn Meyer Union Square Kids, 2023 Category: Middle Grade Reviewer: Stacy Nockowitz Buy at The pitch for Susan Lynn Meyer’s A Sky Full of Song writes itself: Little House on the Prairie , but Jewish! This exceptional book gives readers the story of a family of Russian immigrants settling in North Dakota at the beginning of the 20th century. It’s 1905, and eleven-year-old Shoshana, along with and her mother and sisters, joins her father and older brother who have already started a new life on the vast American Plains. Meyer fills Shoshana’s story with powerful descriptions of the lush landscape and the harsh, day-to-day life on the prairie. Shoshana finds the land beautiful and exciting, if a bit mysterious, while her dear older sister Libke has difficulty adjusting. Their American classmates at their one-room schoolhouse express ignorant ideas about Jews, and the girls face physical danger at the hands of the school bullies. Should they turn aw...