Review: The Best Treasure

The Best Treasure by Sherri Mandell, illustrated by Tamara Anegon Apples & Honey Press (imprint of Behrman House Publishers), 2024 Category: Picture Books Reviewer: Rachel J. Fremmer Buy at Friends Mo (a hippopotamus) and Gavi (a kangaroo) set out on a treasure-finding expedition, but they don’t have the same definition of treasure. While Gavi sees the value in everything from discarded tin cans to acorns to popsicle sticks, Mo only sees junk. In an adorable and apt use of a kangaroo’s pouch, Gavi uses his “pocket” to store his treasures. As the two friends head home, the items in Gavi’s pocket make a sound that Mo hears as noise, but Gavi hears as music. Persuaded, Mo joins Gavi in dancing to the music. When they return home, Mo says that he also found treasure on this walk, the best treasure of all: friendship. Based on the Jewish proverb, “Who finds a faithful friend finds a treasure,” this sweet story is surprisingly layered. It offers lessons in perspective (what ...