Review: Max's Mask: A Purim Story

Max's Mask: A Purim Story by Havvah Deevon, illustrated by Itay Bekin Kalaniot Books (imprint of Endless Mountains Publishing), 2025 Category: Picture Books Reviewer: Amy Schreibman Walter Buy at Max starts kindergarten at a new school and, while he likes his class and his new teacher, he’s not completely comfortable just yet. Fortunately, wearing his superhero costume and mask gives him the confidence he needs to deal with big emotions and new stressors. When a classmate knocks over Max’s block tower, kicks over Max’s neatly lined up row of toy cars, and then sticks his tongue out, Max's superhero costume and mask give him strength. A little while later, when Purim comes, everybody in the class chooses a costume - except Max. He decides to come to Purim unmasked, as his true self. Max realizes that he is strong just as he is - no costume necessary. This book makes a great social/emotional read-aloud for the classroom - for preschoolers, kindergarteners and beyo...