Review: The Secret Seder

The Secret Seder by Dvorah Zuckerberg, illustrated by Tamara Goldreich Menucha Publishers, 2025 Category: Early Chapter Books Reviewer: Leah Cypess Buy at Menucha This well-written and evocative early chapter book tells the story of a secret seder in Siberia during World War II. The story seems to be based on the author’s own experiences. Despite the setting and topic, it is a gentle narrative, conveying the harsh realities of the life the main character lives but stressing the fact that she nevertheless feels safe, protected by her parents and by God. There is enough tension to keep the pages turning. Will their neighbor discover what they are doing? Will American Jews send matzah? The clear, crisp illustrations, with their expressive facial expressions and beautiful scenery, enhance and complete the story. The Jewish representation in this book is heartfelt and authentic and illuminates an important part of the Jewish historical experience. The book is about deeply religious J...