Review: I Survived the Nazi Invasion, 1944

I Survived the Nazi Invasion, 1944 by Lauren Tarshis Scholastic Category: Middle Grade Reviewer: Bridget Hodder Buy at Both the story and the excellent back matter of I SURVIVED THE NAZI INVASION 1944 by Lauren Tarshis inform young readers in an exciting, effective way about a particular facet of the Jewish Holocaust experience. The book explores, from a child's point of view, the complex interaction of Nazi invaders with the local populations (both resisters and collaborators) and the ethical and emotional struggles involved. The text is well-researched and will provide all readers, Jews and non-Jews, with a window into that troubled time. Tarshis accomplishes all this education almost invisibly, while enthralling kids with an exciting, fast-paced story. This is clearly one good reason her I SURVIVED... books are popular in many classrooms, and this book is no exception. In order to amp up the adrenaline level, the series in general does emphasize the violence of ...