Review: She Persisted: Clara Lemlich

She Persisted: Clara Lemlich by Deborah Heiligman, illustrated by Alexandra Boiger and Gillian Flint Philomel (imprint of Penguin Random House) Category: Middle Grade Reviewer: Leah Cypess Buy at She Persisted: Clara Lemlich is the latest entry in "She Persisted," a series of chapter books about women in history who made a difference. This book focuses on Clara Lemlich, a Jewish woman born in a small village in the Ukraine. After her family fled to the United States, poverty forced Clara to give up her dream of becoming a doctor in order to work in a clothing factory. However, the now-notorious conditions for workers in such factories -- especially female workers -- led Clara to become involved in union activities, including taking a key role in the largest strike of women in the history of the US. This is an interesting, well-written book that is ideally suited for a younger middle grade audience. Difficult subjects, such as the Triangle Shirtwaist...