Review: The Elephant and the Purim Crown


The Elephant and the Purim Crown

by Haviva Kierzenblat, illustrated by Rebeca Luciani

Kar-Ben Publishing (imprint of Lerner Publishing Group), 2025

Category: Picture Books
Reviewer: Shanna Silva
The Elephant and the Purim Crown introduces the vibrant world of Rangoon, Burma, where rickshaws, pagodas, and banyan trees abound. Young Rachel, dressed as Queen Esther for the Purim festival, and her cousin Raz encounter a working elephant. Initially, they want to take a ride, but then Rachel notices the old elephant’s bruised and cracked feet. Her compassion for animals makes the ride and the elephant’s condition concerning. When Rachel wins the Purim contest and is gifted a jewel-covered crown, it becomes the ticket to freeing the elephant and retiring her to a sanctuary. Author Haviva Kierzenblat and Illustrator Rebeca Luciana immerse the reader into the colorful Burmese landscapes, native foods and traditions, and the bustling bazaar. The story is multi-textured like the fabrics depicted, weaving in a peek at life in Rangoon with Jewish values.

Jewish traditions are lightly portrayed through the Purim contest which is held in a synagogue. The author’s note explains her family connection to Rangoon and elephants. A family photo and glossary appear at the end. Readers will gain insight into a lesser known Jewish community and encounter a greater understanding of the diversity of Jewish in both appearance and way of life. 
Reviewer Shanna Silva is an award-winning author and Broadway producer. She has written three children’s picture books: A Dog’s Guide to Being Human, Hannah’s Hanukkah Hiccups and Passover Scavenger Hunt. Shanna is also the author of over 60 hi/lo books for emerging readers. Her work has been featured in Kveller, national magazines, and anthologies. Shanna lives in New York with her family and a meshuggenah sheepadoodle.
