Review: My Mezuzah

My Mezuzah

written and illustrated by Ann D. Koffsky

Apples & Honey Press (Behrman House), 2024

Category: Picture Books
Reviewer: Judy Ehrenstein

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A young rabbit jumps up and down in an effort to touch an interior mezuzah in this board book. After several not-quite-high-enough attempts, Mommy comes to save the day by little up her little bunny, and the mezuzah is kissed at last. Uncluttered illustrations feature a palette of bright blue, yellow, and orange. An afterword depicts several designs of mezuzot and a brief explanation of what one is and how it marks a Jewish space.

This is clearly a book for a Jewish audience, as a knowledge of why a child would want to kiss a mezuzah is needed; there is nothing in the text or endnote to explain why this is done. The persistence shown is fairly brief and there is no problem-solving included before the mother steps in to assist. This book has a very limited text and the majority of the explicit Jewish content is in the endnotes and not really directed at a child. While too slight in substance for Sydney Taylor Book Award consideration, this book does add to the very small number of books about mezuzot, as well as to the small number of Jewish books aimed at toddlers.

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Judy Ehrenstein is a long-time children's librarian living in Maryland. She served on the 2020-22 Sydney Taylor Book Award committees and is the co-editor of Children's and Teen book reviews for AJL News and Reviews.
