Real vs Mock 2024 Sydney Taylor Book Awards

The Real Sydney Taylor Book Awards were announced on January 22, 2024! Let's see how our Mock Awards compare to the Real Awards... PICTURE BOOKS Mock and Real Awards agree: the picture book gold medalist is Two New Years by Richard Ho , ill. Lynn Scurfield . There was also agreement between Real and Mock Awards that a silver medal should go to Hanukkah Upside Down by Elissa Brent Weissman , ill. Omer Hoffman . MIDDLE GRADE The Mock Awards gave a middle grade bronze medal to The Dubious Pranks of Shaindy Goodman by Mari Lowe , but the Real Awards gave it the gold! Both Real and Mock Awards agreed that The Jake Show by Joshua S. Levy should get a silver medal. YOUNG ADULT The Mock Award young adult gold went to Impossible Escape: A True Story of Survival and Heroism in Nazi Europe by Steve Sheinkin , which was a Real silver medalist. Real and Mock Awards agreed that a silver medal should go to Goi...