AJL Presents: The Sydney Taylor Real and Mock Book Awards

The Sydney Taylor Book Awards recognize the best Jewish children's/YA books each year. The mock awards will be announced January 21 and the real awards will be announced on January 25. Attend this free Zoom event to get background on the real award and learn about the Sydney Taylor Shmooze mock award blog and how you can vote for the mock awards. Presented by: The Association of Jewish Libraries When: Wednesday, January 6, 2021, 7:30pm ET Where: Please preregister for this free event at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYvdO6prjsiHNejZCjixxgpYN3V3pkPR5Jh/success?user_id=MNB0BrgSThOaOFFqWidcaQ&timezone_id=America%2FLos_Angeles